Everything is hunky-dory when you get a new dog. However, things get tough when you need to leave your furry buddy at a boarding facility so you can go on a trip or take care of some other business. It can seem like leaving a family member behind. Dog grooming services Indian Well can help you in this regard.

Tips to Prepare Your Puppy for Kennels

You and your puppy don’t have to go through the hassle of first-time boarding. If you want to prepare your puppy for kennel, follow these tips:

1. Prep Your Puppy

You should start preparing your puppy for boarding as soon as possible. You should slowly introduce your puppy to new places and people. It’s better to leave them with a trusted family member or friend if you have to travel out of town. This will help your dog feel more comfortable while you’re away.

2. Find Kennels

Find a kennel suitable for your puppy’s needs through research and site visits. Consider the location of the Kennel, online evaluations, and suggestions from other pet owners. Check the employees’ hygiene, security measures, and identification papers.

3. Vaccinate Them

Ensure your puppy is healthy and up-to-date on vaccines before leaving it at the Kennel. Make an appointment with the vet to get them checked out and treated if required. Most boarding facilities want proof of vaccination before they take your dog.

4. Bring Their Favorite Toys

Bringing some comforts from home will help your puppy feel more at ease while staying at the Kennel. Bring their favorite blanket, toys, and something that still has your scent. With these comforts, your new dog will easily adjust to its new home.

Preparing puppies for living in kennels

5. Follow the Routine

Maintain your puppy’s usual eating and playing schedule as much as possible in the days leading up to boarding. Consistency is crucial to developing a puppy’s social skills and health. Before dropping him off, brief the kennel staff on your puppy’s routine.

6. Inform the Staff of Your Puppy’s Needs

Ensure the kennel staff knows about your dog’s special needs, such as dietary restrictions, medicines, or strange behavior. Make sure your puppy gets the care it needs by leaving thorough instructions.

7. Be Positive

Be calm and optimistic as you drop your new dog to the Kennel. Because dogs can sense their owners’ moods, being positive and having a level head around them is important. Say your goodbyes with assurance and a promise to return.

8. Be in Touch

You must keep in touch with the Kennel at all times. Contact them if you are concerned about your dog’s health. You may rest easy knowing that a kind individual is looking after your pet.

How to make arrangements in Kennel for your puppy

9. Find the Right Kennel

Look for a kennel that has playtime specifically for dogs. Your puppy can reduce his fear of other dogs through structured socialization sessions and learn to interact with them. Puppies, at the beginning of their socialization journey, will gain a lot from this. Some kennels include obedience training for your puppy’s emotional and cognitive growth. These enjoyable hobbies are a great way for inmates to earn rewards and pass the time.

10. Incorporate Kennel Practices

Talk to the kennel workers about their daily routine and try to implement some of the same practices at home in the days leading up to boarding. Incorporate mealtimes, playtimes, and naptimes. Try to match your puppy’s routine with the Kennel as much as possible.

How to board your puppy for the first time

11. Schedule a Trial Stay

If you need to board your puppy for an extended period of time, you should schedule a short trial stay at the Kennel first. Take your puppy somewhere for the night or a few days over the weekend. It will help you determine how they’ll do when you leave them. This will help you respond to their feedback and make any necessary improvements.

12. Trust the Kennel You Choose

Feeling anxious about leaving your puppy with strangers is normal. However, you must keep a good mindset and trust the kennel staff. It will help ease your mind. Remember that they know what they’re doing regarding dogs and will do everything it takes to protect your furry little friend. Have confidence in your pet and be less anxious.

13. Research Laws in Your Area

Know the current laws and ordinances that govern boarding establishments in your area. Kennels are required to qualify for certain licenses or permissions. Check that the facility you decide on adheres to all local, regional, and national regulations on puppy care.

14. Help Your Puppy Socialize

Before boarding, it’s a good idea to socialize your puppy with other animals. Scheduling play dates and other organized meetings with other animals will help your pet feel more at ease in new environments.

15. Help Your Puppy Exercise

Make sure your puppy is getting lots of daily exercise before boarding them. Dogs that travel far are more likely to be exhausted upon arrival. Give your furry little friend some additional exercise and playing before leaving them at the Kennel.

Final Word

Going into boarding with the right expectations will be a positive experience for you and your furry little friend. Get in touch with The Grand Paw, dog boarding services Indian Well, to learn more.